On-line National Information Day on Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, 29th of March 2022

28. 3. 2022 0 Comments

The Technology Centre CAS is organizing on 29th of March 2022 the On-line Information Day on Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions under Horizon Europe.

Seemore information here: https://www.horizontevropa.cz/cs/struktura-programu-he/excelentni-veda/akce-marie-sklodowska-curie/kalendar/yiifcalendarevent/332/on-line-national-information-day-on-marie

The prestigious MSCA grants support the continuing education and career development of researchers who already gained experience in their field. Professional and personal development of scientists is ensured primarily by support of their international mobility, either short-term or long-term internships. Participation is not limited by age or nationality. The topic of the project is up to you (so-called bottom-up approach). The EU funding rate is 100%.

You can register till 28th of March 2022 (23:59) here: https://geform.tc.cz/Infoday_MSCA

Kind regards,

Laura Míčková