ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2021

8. 9. 2021 0 Comments

Vážené studentky, vážení studenti.

Hledáme studenty pro Poster presentations (8 volných míst). Studenti, kteří pošlou abstrakt a budou vybráni obdrží mimořádné stipendium od ČZU a budou se moci účastnit soutěže o nejlepší příspěvek v různých kategoriích. Odměnou pro nejlepší je finanční ohodnocení.

Dodatečné abstrakty prosím posílejte na adresu josek@rektorat.czu.cz do konce tohoto týdne. Instrukce pro dodatečný call v angličtině zasílám níže.

Pro studenty prvního ročníku doktorského studia je to unikátní příležitost si splnit jedenz z požadavků doktorského studia, jímž je povinná účast na jedné konferenci během prvního ročníku studia. V termínu 19. – 20. listopadu 2021 proběhne ELLS Scientific Student Conference na Warsaw University of Life Sciences v online podobě. Oficiální pozvánku a popis podtémat lze najít zde: https://www.sggw.edu.pl/ells-conference-2021/ells-student-conference/.

Dear students,

Have you defended your Bachelor or Master thesis last year? Submit your abstract for the ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2021 and present it in the form of a poster. The main theme is: “Green (r)evolution: from molecules to ecosystems”. Successful students will receive an extraordinary scholarship and will have the chance to compete for the best poster presentation prize.

This is an additional last call for abstracts open only until the end of this week (10.9.).

  • Title: Maximum 30 words are allowed. Use capital letters only when necessary.
  • Subtheme: Please allocate your abstract to a suitable subtheme (the description can be found here).
  • Justification: Please explain why your abstract fits the chosen sub-theme. Maximum 150 characters are allowed.
  • Keywords: Between 3 and 5 keywords are required, describing your work.
  • Authors: Enter the name and surname of the authors. A maximum of 5 authors is allowed. If there is more than one author, please be aware that only one person will be able to present during the conference. Choose who will present and who will attend the ELLS SSC 2021 as an audience member. All names will be published in the book of abstracts. If your work was created in collaboration with a teacher from your university, you could write the name of your supervisor under Acknowledgements.
  • Acknowledgements: Type the name and surname of anyone who might have helped you with your work and abstract (e.g. supervisor).
  • Abstract text: The text must be at least 200 words and cannot exceed 300 words, excluding the title and name(s) of the author(s). Tables, graphics, photos etc., are not allowed.
  • Confirmation of the supervisor: Please upload a confirmation of your supervisor (university teacher) that they support your application (email sufficient).
  • Send your abstract by email to josek@rektorat.czu.cz by the 10th of September (noon).

Best regards,

Mikuláš Josek, Ph.D.
International Relations Office CZU
ELLS Secretariat
e-mail: josek@rektorat.czu.cz, ells@czu.cz
phone: +420 224 382 072
phone: +420 704 870 174
Kamýcká 129, 165 00 Prague Suchdol