21st April: GACR information about internal dedlines and submission process
I would like to inform you about submitting the project proposals in GA ČR 2020 call.
The main applicant after the finalization and electronic submission of the project in IS GRIS GA CR will generate the final project proposal in PDF format. The file must not be renamed in order to pair it later with the data in GRIS application.
Please send the generated pdf file from GRIS by April 29 to 10 am (the Rector’s term is April 29 to 2 pm)
I would also like to kindly ask all co-applicants to send all the co-authored project proposals. Everything else to the central evidence of projects ep.czu.cz.
If it is possible due to time reasons, to shift the date of application, contact me anytime before the internal deadline and send project proposals in advance before submitting for review.
If you have anything to ask for help, advise, find information, contact me at krejcikovae@af.czu.cz or tlf: + 420 703 182 884.
With regards Eva Krejčíková
Project consultant for national programs
Centre for Projects, Innovation and Technology Transfer FAPPZ